


Throughout my life, I’ve dreamt about finding the color Gold. Now, this isn’t like a quest to find the perfect color for a painting, no. This is my version of happiness. Pure, unadulterated happiness. In some ways, I have felt it. Like, when my mum gave me a puppy for my birthday or when I kissed that one person that I really liked or when I’m in my room, headphones blaring with music as I’m dancing as though nobody’s watching.

But it hasn’t always been this. My life has been a spectrum of colors that has either lasted for months on years together or simply just a few moments. An iridescence of blues, whites, reds, blacks (and other numerous hues) that I can use to make sense on my non-consequential life. Maybe this is a different way or looking at it. Or maybe not.

I hope I find it someday. Gold. But until then I’ll know that even though what I’m feeling isn’t that kind of happiness, it still is something. Something raw and most of all something real. And somehow, when it comes to living, isn’t that everything?

Gold – Imagine Dragons